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How to apply for your place on the next Reiki 1 Attunement Weekend 2024

I cannot say this enough times, but I really want us to get to know each other first, so that we have some connection between - as Reiki Teacher and Student.

So, our first free Zoom meet is the start of this connecting together.

Maybe even have a free online yoga class too - [everyone has their first yoga class with me for free!].


1.  Please email me to say you are interested.  This does not commit you to anything.   We can set up a free Zoom meeting so we can chat together.  You need to feel a connection to your Reiki Master first and foremost.   Although I truly dislike the word 'Master', I prefer Teacher.    We are all custodians of this amazing healing energy to pass on and on.


2.  We will then arrange a free Zoom session to chat through your queries, understanding and experience of Reiki.   Or simply to say you are starting absolutely from the beginning.    Or, if you are wishing to be Re-attuned as you may have lost your way a little with your Reiki.   Many do! 


 Email Julia on:  

3.  Once you have thought about it, you can book and pay the £195.00 [I can arrange instalments for you if needed], and I will then email you the 'Prepare for Reiki 1 Attunement Document'.   But you can also see this information here on this Website -  please follow this link


4.  Pay the fee/instalments here by following this link   [Select Reiki 1 Attunement on this Pricing Plan Page]


5.  Mark your Attunement day in your Diary/Calender for 2024 TO BE ARRANGED. 

5.  Receive your Manual in the post, this is included in the course fee [worth £40.00], and is written by William Lee Rand and supplied by

6.  OPTIONAL - Maybe attend my weekly yoga class, your first class with me is free.   We can then get to know each a little more and build our connection with each other.   Book by following this link

7.  Buy a really special little note book to start journaling.   

8.  Begin, a week before the Ceremony, your 'cleansing' process:


You may already have an established yoga and meditation practice, although it is not necessary, or you already be looking to start your own self care and development.  Here are the other actions to engage in as part of your preparation for your sacred Ceremony.       Journal what you experience!  Begin a full week before your Attunement Weekend.

*  No alcohol

*  Avoid a lot of high protein and animal foods.   Eat fruit, vegetables, salads, plant based foods etc and drink lots of water.    Have TONS of water available on the day

* Avoid caffeine.    Try lemon and warm water first thing in a morning

* Be out in nature as much as you can.   Both Hedge Witchery and Shamanism include being in nature so so much, as does Reiki

* Have some quiet time every day, say 15 minutes, or a daily meditation

* Sit quietly and breath deeply.   Basically, you are trying to avoid too much stimulation and stress!   You may have to tell those around you that you are having periods of 'down time/me time' etc

* Become in-tune with your reasons for having Reiki in your life.    And it's OK if there are no specific reasons, you just 'know' the time is right.   Remember to Journal.

And afterwards, I hope you will join in on my 2 hour Reiki Shares, also online [£10], meet with like minded people and gain confidence in your Reiki practice.

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