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Reiki Level Holy Fire 1st Degree Training

2024 dates are being arranged

What to expect and how to prepare

Julia Shaw Reiki Master

I have greatly reduced the cost of this 1st Degree Training so more students can come forward, but without undervaluing all the experience and professionialism I can offer. 


We need Reiki now more than ever.

Fee is  £195.00 - can be paid in instalments


Use this link to Book and Pay, thankyou


Payable by Bank Transfer.   Details sent to you upon your commitment and acceptance to the training proscess

Can also be paid in instalments, please, just ask

The effect of Reiki Attunements

This is the information I was given when I first learned Reiki First Degree.

Reiki is a powerful spiritual experience and consequently is not taught as other healing techniques are taught. The ability to attune to the Reiki energy is passed from Master to student during an Attunement Ceremony, which opens the Crown, Heart and Palm Chakras. This process also creates a link between the Master and the Student.

The process is a direct channel from the Rei, or Universal God Force, giving the student exactly what they require. This explains why students report differing experiences during and after the Attunement process. The process, although conducted by the Master, is attended by Reiki Guides and helpers. Some students experience visions, or receive messages, or healing, or past life memories during this very special time. Further Attunements during the Student’s life can produce a clearer channel and therefore an increase in the psychic sensitivity and awareness of the Student. Some Master’s give both Reiki 1st Degree and 2nd Degree at the same time. I did not experience this myself, and therefore offer them separately. This gives the Student time to process and settle into each Degree and its effects.

The Traditional Usui Reiki First Degree I offer, uses a four-stage Attunement, which has the effect of gently opening the Channels of the student to the Reiki energy.  The first three Attunements will open the healing Chakras and the fourth is seen as sealing the energy completely, although it is actually a repeat of the third Attunement.  Once given, the ability to channel Reiki is for life and will be an ever-present ability, even if the energy is dormant for a length of time.

Reiki Attunements begin with a spiritual cleansing of the physical body as well as the mind and emotions.  It is usual for students to go through a release of emotional energy and to begin to see a refinement, a resilience even, of their beliefs, feelings and behaviours.  Old childhood core beliefs can be seen more clearly, it is a little bit like Psychotherapy for the Soul!

It is usual to leave at least 3 months between Reiki 1st Degree and Reiki 2nd Degree.

And at least a year between Reiki 2nd Degree and Reiki 3rd Degree, which is the Reiki Master’s Training which will enable you to Attune others.




Your Reiki Lineage is precious and important. The Reiki I use and teach is Usui Reiki and all Reiki Students and Teachers need to be able to trace their Lineage back to Dr. Mikao Usui [1865 - 1926], the Founder of Usui Reiki. Reiki can only be passed on from person to person by a Reiki Master who can trace back their lineage all the way to Dr. Usui.  You will be given your Lineage at Certification.



Currently, none of the Reiki Membership Bodies of the UK do NOT recognise Online Attunements, which means you will not be able to join any of them until you re-have the Attunement, face to face. They encourage the use of Online Reiki to teach theory only. However, the last online Attunement in March was just as powerful as face to face, it exceeded ALL my expectations and the Students from that class all had different, but amazing experiences.

However, I am not a member of any Reiki membership Body.    My Insurance covers me for all the Reiki work and Reiki teaching that I do too.    As long as I have my Insurance I have never felt the need to join any of the UK Bodies.    I DO, however, use their sites for updates and important new research, information, and to connect with others.   The Reiki Energy cannot be governed. It is our Universal Life Force and everyone has the potential to use it. It is given to us by the Divine, or God, or Spirit, Creator………… whatever your belief system is.


However, I needed to be sure that offering Attunements online was both Ethical, Professional and Moral.   So I engaged in further training [from the USA!] to really understand it all.   I have spoken to other Reiki Master’s, my own Reiki Master included and they have all said the same - there are dilemmas, yes - but until we have some history of online Attunements, obtain feedback from our students, re-write the Manuals etc we cannot progress in this arena.    I don’t blame the Bodies for taking this stance, they have to be super cautious.   We need Reiki now more than ever, hence, my decision to start offering Attunements Online.

You don’t have to join any Reiki membership Body in order to practice Reiki 1.    I decided long ago to stay as an Independent Reiki Teacher.   As long as we all stay true to the sacredness of Reiki.   We are all, after all, custodians of the Original.


Not recognised in the UK, so will prevent you joining any Reiki Membership Body, but that wont stop you being part of the Reiki community and practice Reiki on yourself and others.    It is a spiritual experience, very precious and special with its original rituals.

On the Attunement Day itself, you wont be able to practice on each other and gain that experience.    MAYBE, you can grab someone at home and give your first Reiki Treatment to a loved one, even your dog!    But YOU wont be able to experience a treatment back, which is what happens in a face-to-face class. 


HOWEVER - you WILL experience an Online Reiki Treatment, paired up with another student in your class, and you offer the same back to them.   Once Attuned, in the morning, we spend the afternoon practising with each other.   AND, you will be able to offer Reiki to nourish your food and water!    Later in the afternoon, we will look at the amazing shamanic practice of talking to the spirits of the plants and trees around us.

You may decide in the future, to re-Attune face to face, this is not really a disadvantage however!


You will be nice and comfortable in your own home. Relaxed and calm. We will have lots of interaction between each other, including, sitting having lunch together, on screen!     A maximum of 4 students, so we are not overwhelmed.

No matter how you start your Reiki journey, it is still special on all levels, spiritually, emotional, mentally and physical.


This is preparation for the Attunement Day and counts towards the hours you spend training.  

Homework to carry out please before your Attunement Day:

I like the following four websites, please visit them to start your own Research and background knowledge. Most sites give away lots of free downloads.

ALSO: Download this Reiki timer for free for when you are giving yourself or others treatments.

REIKI ENERGY – What is it? How does it heal? By William Lee Rand. Please read this article written by William Rand:

Look up and read about the 5 Reiki Principals, sometimes called Precepts.

Also look up the many Membership Bodies in the UK, they still have tons of information on their websites, even though you know your Online Training will not be recognised by any of them. But that wont stop you using your new Reiki 1 skills on Self, family and animals. Do your own Research. The Reiki Council, The Reiki Federation etc etc.

The Manual, which will be posted out to you, and is included in the course fee [worth £35.00 and written by my own Reiki Master and Teacher]  - gives you a brief history of Reiki, and reminders of how to give Reiki to yourself and others, Psychic Protection etc. Lots in there that we wont get covered on the day of the Attunement.

Start your own Journal today.    Write down what you know about Reiki and what has drawn you to having the Attunement. “When pupil ready, teacher come”.    So the time is right for you, but do you know why? Buy a nice special book to do so.    ALSO, begin to notice what plants and herbs you are drawn to, and what plants and herbs where part of your ancestory.   What wisdom has already been passed down to you.

This Journal is only for you.  You can add to your Journal by making notes on the day of the Attunement.

As part of the learning process I ask that you submit to me - for Assessment and feedback - a 21 day diary/record of your daily Meditation and daily Self Reiki treatment and the affects of any treatments you have given to your family or animals.

End of Homework.

Just to say, that all Reiki Training is a huge commitment and is never taken lightly.

It may not ‘be your time’ just now. YOU will know if/when it is.

You can record your ‘interest’ and I can keep you informed of future training days.    Please just email me:

Before your Attunement Day we will fix up a Zoom meeting to have a chat together and get to know each other a little better.

In my last Training Day, I had two students RE-ATTUNING their 1st Degree Reiki and it re-awoke their motivation to include in their lives once more.


You may already have an established yoga and meditation practice, so you have been balancing and cleansing your body and mind for some time now. So here are the other actions to engage in as part of your preparation. Journal what you experience!

Begin a full week before your Attunement Day:

* No Alcohol

* Avoid a lot of high protein foods, eat fruit, vegetables and drink lots of water. Have TONS of water available on the day

* Avoid caffeine

* Be out in nature as much as you can

* Have some quiet time every day, say 15 minutes, or a daily meditation

* Join one of my 3 yoga classes a week, your first class is free.   It will give you another perspective of how I work, and allows us to get to know each other a little more.    No matter who Attunes you to Reiki, there has to be a real, genuine, felt connection, which goes both ways.

ON THE DAY: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Have tons of water to hand, keep sipping it throughout the day.

Welcome. Everyone introduces themselves.

A brief History of Reiki.

How Reiki works.

The Attunements. 


One student at a time. You will see me standing by an empty chair as I visualise you sitting there. You will see my hands moving and I will be blowing into your Crown chakra. I will be using Mantra’s and symbols to connect you to the Universal Life Force Energy. I will be using a script to stay true to this ritual and ceremony. It is usual to feel nervous before an Attunement.   Afterwards, and while other students are receiving their Attunement, use the time to record what you experienced in your journal.

LUNCH – have your meal ready and prepared beforehand so we can all just sit and have lunch together! Maybe a simple sandwich.   Spend a few minutes walking outside.   Drink water.

Meditation. Gassho and Hatsurei-Ho. The Violet Breath

Your first Reiki Practice. On self first. Then with a student in your class

Sharing feedback. Q & A



We will arrange another session to all come together once your 21 day Assessment has been completed and your Certificate is on its way.   This 2 hour session is included in the Course fee of £95.00.

Reiki Share Days - you will be invited to my monthly Reiki share days, which are 2 hours long and cost £10.00.    By then, you will have experienced already, two Reiki shares with your training group, so will know what to expect.


Student care – I am available after the Attunement for any queries that come up for you.




Self healing and treatments for others.


Apply Reiki to the rooms in your home. Just connect to Reiki and use your hands to touch the walls, corners, ceilings, floors, doorways. 2 minutes on each surface.


Reiki your food and drinks.



Plants, seeds and seedlings.

Clear bad energy from any object.

Trust your instinct and follow it.


Finally – please provide me with your feedback afterwards, it will be so valuable in improving future Attunements, thankyou.

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