Dawn, March 2021
"Feedback from Reiki Training on 7th March 2021
Firstly, a big thankyou to Julia of juliashawslowyoga for offering and organising the day. Although I have been "attuned" to Reiki before, this day was by far more encouraging and supportive.
I appreciated the pre-course information and preparation material very much and I feel it helped towards making me less anxious about taking part and helped refreshed points I had learnt before.
Chakra Meditation at the beginning - helped to ground me, make me feel safe, and also helped me open up; to surrender to the process. During this, I saw brilliant, pulsating colours, particularly yellow when focus was on the Solar Plexus - and it left me with a sense of stillness and calm.
I had been taught the 'Violet Breath' before and found this very powerful. I will try and use this each time I practise my Reiki Skills.
Reiki Attunement
I did not feel at all disadvantaged having this done at a distance. I think we were all well prepared, knowing how the Ceremony was going to be conducted beforehand".
"Overall, I thought the distance session worked well for me. It refreshed what I already knew but gave me a greater understanding of how Reiki might fit into my life purpose at this stage of my spiritual journey and gave me greater confidence and motivation to help with my future practice".
For your own Reiki 1 Attunements please follow this link for the Attunement information Pages
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